BEA  – Best Event Awards
BEA  – Best Event Awards
Bea World 2017, primo premio a Xsaga con ‘The 10 Millionth Visitor of the Rijksmuseum’ per Rijksmuseum: originale evento di celebrazione del successo di pubblico ottenuto dal museo di Amsterdam
L’agenzia dei Paesi Bassi è salita sul gradino più alto del podio del premio internazionale ideato e organizzato da ADC Group, dedicato agli eventi e alla live communication, grazie all’evento ‘The 10 Millionth Visitor of the Rijksmuseum’, firmato per il cliente Rijksmuseum. Per celebrare il successo di pubblico del Rijksmuseum di Amsterdam e, in particolare, il raggiungimento di quota 10 milioni di visitatori, un fortunato utente ha trascorso un’intera notte all’interno del museo.

Il primo premio assoluto del Bea World 2017, award internazionale ideato e organizzato da ADC Group, dedicato agli eventi e alla live communication, è andato all’agenzia olandese Xsaga, grazie all’evento ‘The 10 Millionth Visitor of the Rijksmuseum’, realizzato per il cliente Rijksmuseum (apri la gallery fotografica in alto per vedere le immagini dell’evento).

A colpire i giurati è stata un’idea creativa decisamente non convenzionale: per celebrare il successo di pubblico del Rijksmuseum di Amsterdam e, in particolare, il raggiungimento di quota 10 milioni di visitatori, un fortunato utente ha trascorso un’intera notte all’interno del museo.

Quanto ai risultati, l’evento è stato presentato in una vasta gamma di media nazionali. A livello internazionale, è stato oggetto di 36 articoli, con uscite su svariate testate, dal New York Times aThe Huffington Post, passando per The Observer e Le Parisien. In sette giorni sono stati raggiunti 31.007.482 follower.

Il premio Bea World si è svolto nell’ambito del Bea World – The International Festival of Events and Live Communication, la manifestazione globale, anch’essa ideata e organizzata da ADC Group, tenutasi dal 15 al 18 novembre 2017 nella città di Porto, in Portogallo.

Gli eventi sono stati valutati da una giuria composta da autorevoli esperti, manager e professionisti della live communication, provenienti da diversi Paesi del mondo. A coordinare il lavoro dei giurati quest’anno è stata la presidente di giuria, Andrea Faflikova, senior Pr & event manager Ceemea di Lego Group.

Clicca qui per leggere l’elenco completo dei giurati del Bea World 2017.

Clicca qui per visualizzare l’elenco dei partner e degli sponsor del Bea World 2017.

Nella scheda che segue potete trovare tutti i dettagli dell’evento ‘The 10 Millionth Visitor of the Rijksmuseum’.



Organising Company: Xsaga.

Client company: Rijksmuseum.

Brief description: A prominent and distinctive way to celebrate the fact that the Rijksmuseum will be welcoming its 10 millionth visitor since its reopening.

Dates of implementation: 01/06/2017 – 02/06/2017.

Target: (Inter)national cultural population and media.

Location: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Objective of the event: Three years after its reopening, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam was due to receive its 10 millionth visitor. This would mark a unique milestone in the museum’s history, and had to be celebrated in a special way. The primary goal was to generate free publicity in an extremely cost-effective way, which would also confirm the brand promise as the ideal place where you can be surprised at every moment of the day. National attention was seen as a must have and international attention as a nice to have.

Creative idea and description of the event: Only one thing was really important: the surprise had to be real! The once in a lifetime opportunity had to radiate the Rijksmuseum’s exclusive image as “the surprising place to be”. No one had ever spent the night sleeping and keeping watch in front of Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch”. Sometimes a carefully devised creative idea, precisely directed in advance, completely gives way to coincidence. This turned out to be the case with our “ideal” candidate, whose relevant background and professed love of the arts made him the perfect visitor. It turned out that the man was a huge fan of Rembrandt, and who as a teacher enjoyed sharing his love of art with his students. A camera crew flawlessly recorded everything and this footage was used to create an edit that was touching and intriguing.

Effectiveness: The event was featured in a wide range of national media, with 41 articles and an appearance in RTL Late Night. Internationally, it was the subject of 36 articles, from in the New York Times to The Huffington Post, The Observer and Le Parisien. And in 7 days 31.007.482 social followers were reached.

Media Mix: There has been chosen for a viral approach and it worked out very well. The video was distributed via the Rijksmuseum’s social media and then it found its own way.

Feature description: This event, based on a simple and very cost-effective idea, with an impeccable execution, resulted in an event that marked the momentum, created humongous impact, as well as relevant content for the (Rijksmuseum) brand. With more than 31.000.000 touch points for approximately 14.000 euro (the cost per single contact was less than 0.00045 eurocent) we can state that this production had a very high impact with a low budget.

Budget:  < 50.000 €.

Concept: Patrick Roubroeks, Xsaga.

Staging and set design: The “operation” was prepared with extreme precision. Every conceivable scenario was discussed in advance. The entire technical crew was on standby for two days, in order to be able to take action at the right moment. On “D Day”, all of the museum staff gathered to discuss the production schedule before the museum opened. At 2:04 p.m. the unsuspecting visitor entered the museum. The doors swung open, after which more than a hundred employees welcomed the guest with a resounding applause. Totally bewildered, the guest walked to the museum’s Director who congratulates him. In a pre-recorded video, the Dutch Prime Minister explained his unique opportunity: a night underneath The Night Watch.

Mario Garaffa